Monday, June 2, 2008

Real Inaugural Post

Hey, reader(s). First off, I hope thing are going well and that they continue to go well for my classmates. We are from all over and currently based all over, but we are all working for the same purpose. Sure we want A's, but we want much more to do good work for the organizations for whom we are working and to do good work for those our organizations serve. Good luck, and I look forward to catching up on your emails and blogs. Now, to Argentina.

This will be the only "real" post I make before I start work tomorrow and I have just a few stray thoughts:

My host family (which also runs L.I.F.E.) seems pretty cool.

I think I would actually prefer to drive in Boston than Buenos Aires.

I kind of wish I had learned Portugese, because if my first night here was any indication, I am going to asked if I am from Brazil a lot.

For all you here about the ubiquity of Starbucks, they just opened their first store in BsAs Saturday. However, I have already spotted several McDonald's.

These folks really do love soccer. There were three consecutive sports channels with games on. It is kind of interesting that one sport really does seem to have a monopoly on people's sports concsiousness. Football might be king in the States, but baseball and basketball are at least decent pretenders. I am not yet sure what the #2 down here is. I think basketball is making a push, but it is going to be awhile before it (or whatever actually is in second place) to make a dent in soccer's armor.

I don't know is this is American self'-centeredness or just shortsightedness, but I had no idea that finding a transformador (converter) so I can use my comp would be such a chore.

Sunrise must be pretty late here, because it is around 7:30 and it is still dark out.

I need to get back to bed.

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